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Crâne: Boîte osseuse renfermant l'encéphale chez les vertébrés. Voir plus

Crâne - Dictionnaire Visuel - Copyright © 2005-2016 - Tous droits réservés.

Crâne (vue latérale): Boîte osseuse renfermant l'encéphale chez les vertébrés. Voir plus

Crâne (vue latérale) - Dictionnaire Visuel - Copyright © 2005-2016 - Tous droits réservés.

Arcade dentaire: Organe en forme d'arc composé de dents. Située sur le bord des maxillaires chez l'homme, on y retrouve les incisives, les canines, les prémolaires et les molaires. Voir plus

Arcade den ...

Skeleton of a fish: finned vertebrate animal with skin covered with scales. It lives in water and is usually oviparous. See more

Skeleton of a fish - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - Al ...

Skeleton: set of bones making up the framework of human body. See more

Skeleton - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Skeleton (lateral view): set of bones making up the framework of human body. See more

Skeleton (lateral view) - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Osteology of skull: bony case of the brain of vertebrates. See more

Osteology of skull - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Skull: bony case of the brain of vertebrates. See more

Skull - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Skull (lateral view): bony case of the brain of vertebrates. See more

Skull (lateral view) - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Dental arch: arching organ, composed of teeth, on the edges of the maxillae. It includes the incisors, the canines, the premolars and the molars. See more

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